Testing answers page and pencils. Language proficiency tests.

Get Exam Ready

Elevate your exam preparation with our tailored 1-on-1 classes, designed to help you conquer the TOEFL and CELPE-BRAS tests with confidence. Our expert instructors provide personalized guidance, addressing your unique strengths and areas for improvement. Explore powerful strategies for both exams, honing your language skills and test-taking abilities.

But that's not all! If you have other language proficiency exams in mind, feel free to reach out to us. Our flexible approach allows us to cater to your specific exam goals, whether it's in Portuguese or English. Empower yourself with personalized support and get ready to excel in any language proficiency challenge. Enroll now and unlock your full potential!

Exam Structure

Learn about the exams’ structure and what the examiners will expect of you for each section of the exam in the classes.

Personalized Guidance

Take advantage of the 1-on-1 classes to ask questions and to discuss your specific needs with the teacher and design a plan of action that is unique to you.

Instant Feedback

Work on practice exercises and receive feedback on the spot to work on your mistakes while they are still fresh in your head.

Personalized Material

Get extra practice exercises designed specifically for you to work on your unique weaknesses and needs.

Recommend us to a friend and get 15% off your next booking!

Use the code MYFIRSTCLASS when purchasing your first session (1-on-1) and it will be 100% off!


All purchases in this website are in Canadian Dollars

Per Class Pack 10 Classes Pack 24 Classes Pack 48 Classes
1-ON-1 CAD $85.00 ~US$63 CAD $83.00 ~US$62 CAD $78.50 ~US$58 CAD $76.50 ~US$53

*Prices shown are per student. Each class is one hour long.


girl taking test on a desk. Language proficiency Tests
  • We mainly use Zoom video calls, Google Classroom, and the ExplainEverything interactive whiteboard. When you schedule a class with us you will receive explanatory documents that tell you how to use each of these programs so you don’t have to worry about it during your studies. But we are always open to changing the channels of communication and material according to the student’s needs.

  • Yes. Use the code MYFIRSTCLASS when purchasing your first session and it will be 100% off! The first class will be an assessment for the educator to plan a personalized plan for your specific learning needs and goals. In this class you and the educator will discuss your past experiences with the subject taught, your level, your difficulties and strengths and your goals for the future. You will only start paying if you decide to go on with the course after the first class!

  • There isn’t a right amount of classes to take. Each case and, more importantly, each student will demand a different amount of classes to reach their goals. In the first class the educator will assess in detail your abilities, your past experiences, your difficulties and strengths and your goals, in order to come up with a plan that works for your specific case.

  • Our educator can teach people of any age. We are open to people of all ages and all life stages, it is never too early or too late to learn! Our student-centred approach allows our classes to be tailored to any student.

  • No! You can take the classes even with no prior knowledge or experience in the subject. We will help you every step of the way!

  • The structure of the course will be different for every student. It depends a lot on the student’s needs and goals. In the first class the educator will assess these needs and goals in order to come up with a plan of a specific structure that will better accommodate the student’s learning style and goals. Moreover, the educator will share the plan with the student and she will be open to changing and/or adding to the plan as per the student’s request throughout the course.

  • The 1-on-1 courses are very flexible and open to accommodating every student. When you book a class, you will have access to the educator’s calendar to choose the time that best suits you. Moreover, you can always change the time of classes, as long as you give prior notice!

  • Yes, every material and resource used in the course will be provided by the educator!

  • The progress tracking and assessment is a decision that will be made between educator and student in the first class and that can be modified throughout the course. It will depend on the student’s needs, goals and wishes. However, the educator will make sure to let the student know of his/her progress throughout the courses via feedback of the practice exercises and projects they will work on.

  • You can always reach us by email: unboundededucation.info@gmail.com or through our contact form.

  • We believe that our humane and student-centred approach sets us apart. We truly believe that everyone can learn anything and we are willing to make that happen through dialogue, meaningful interactions and attention to each student's specificities!